
Sommet UE-États-Unis « étape importante » des relations transatlantiques – EURACTIV.fr

[ad_1] La présidence portugaise du Conseil de l’UE a souligné l’« importance symbolique » du sommet de la semaine prochaine entre l’Union européenne et les États-Unis, qui, selon elle, a « le potentiel d’être une étape clé » dans le renouvellement du partenariat transatlantique. La secrétaire d’État aux affaires européennes, Ana Paula Zacarias, a déclaré […]

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EU-India: Trade prospects

https://www.europarl.europa.eu/thinktank/fr/document.html?reference=EPRS_ATA(2020)659270 The EU-India Summit held in July 2020 agreed to establish a regular high-level dialogue at ministerial level on bilateral trade and investment relations. In this way, the EU and India expressed a clear political will to work together to overcome issues that have hampered their trade relations in recent years and impeded advances towards […]

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EU-UK talks: ‘disappointing’ progress, says Barnier – euronews.com

https://www.euronews.com/2020/05/15/barnier-on-eu-uk-talks-are-we-heading-towards-another-extension The EU-UK trade talks were never going to be plain sailing, but then came COVID-19, with both chief negotiator Michel Barnier and the UK Prime Minister Boris Johnson being personally affected. In the meantime, a June deadline for significant progress is looming, and key arguments remain unresolved. Questions remain over fishing rights, how closely […]

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Here comes European protectionism – politico.eu

Illustration by Dale Crosby Close for POLITICO https://www.politico.eu/article/european-protectionism-trade-technology-defense-environment/ Hans von der Burchard, Jacopo Barigazzi and Kalina Oroschakoff The next five years of EU policy will be about defending the bloc’s interests. After decades of championing the dissolution of barriers and borders, Europe is battening down the hatches. Ursula von der Leyen has set herself a […]

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