Les articles de Patil



Commission européenne. Adina Valean sera la candidate roumaine et aura les Transports – Ouest France

https://www.ouest-france.fr/europe/ue/commission-europeenne-adina-valean-sera-la-candidate-commissaire-roumaine-et-aura-les-transports-6597545 On connaît depuis ce mercredi 6 novembre la représentante roumaine au sein de la nouvelle commission européenne d’Ursula von der Leyen. Il s’agit d’Adina Valean. Elle héritera du portefeuille des Transports au sein de l’institution. La prochaine commissaire européenne roumaine serait la députée européenne Adina Valean, ont indiqué plusieurs sources à notre partenaire d’Euractiv.com, ce […]

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Multinationals should disclose tax information in each country they operate – europarl.europa.eu

https://www.europarl.europa.eu/news/en/press-room/20170629IPR78639/multinationals-should-disclose-tax-information-in-each-country-they-operate Multinationals should publicly disclose how much tax they pay, and where Disclosure includes taxes paid outside the EU  Measures embrace companies with worldwide turnover of €750 million or more Large firms must make information about the tax they pay in each country in the world publicly available, say MEPs after a debate and vote […]

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Parliament’s reading of the 2020 EU budget

https://www.europarl.europa.eu/thinktank/fr/document.html?reference=EPRS_ATA(2019)642254 During the October II plenary session, the European Parliament is due to decide on amendments to the Council’s position on the draft EU budget for 2020. The report of the Committee on Budgets reverses the cuts proposed by the Council, with the exception of funds for Turkey. Furthermore, it proposes a considerable increase in […]

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EU trade policy: Frequently asked questions – European Parliament Weekly Digest Bulletin

https://www.europarl.europa.eu/thinktank/fr/document.html?reference=EPRS_IDA(2019)642229 This paper seeks to serve as a key resource for policy-makers who need to understand complex issues related to international trade quickly. It also outlines the key academic debates and issues, and provides references to further resources that could offer useful support to the work of policy-makers in the European Parliament. It seeks to […]

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The European Union at a glance: see the Fact Sheets online – European Parliament Weekly Digest Bulletin

https://www.europarl.europa.eu/factsheets/en/home The Fact Sheets on the EU provide an overview of European integration and of Parliament’s contribution to that process. They present a brief overview of the EU’s institutions and policies, and of Parliament’s role in their development. Available in 23 languages, they cover five main areas: how the EU works; economy, science and quality […]

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European Parliamentary committees: their role and composition – European Parliament Weekly Digest Bulletin

http://www.europarl.europa.eu/committees/en/about-committees.html Parliament’s committees deal with EU legislative proposals by adopting reports, which then are referred to plenary for voting by all Members, and appoint negotiation teams to conduct talks with Council. They adopt non-legislative reports, organise hearings with experts and scrutinise other EU bodies and institutions. Parliament can set up sub-committees and special committees to […]

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Mainstreaming of climate action in the EU budget: Impact of a political objective – European Parliament Weekly Digest Bulletin

Facilitating the transition to a climate-friendly and resilient economy requires huge investments. The EU has committed to spending 20 % of its 2014-2020 financial resources on climate-related measures. Against the backdrop of the Paris Agreement and of the Sustainable Development Goals set by the United Nations, such a high-level political objective acquires new salience in […]

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Droit de l’Union et suppression de commentaires par les hébergeurs – curia.europa.eu

Cour de justice de l’Union européenne – Communiqué de presse n° 128/19 – Luxembourg, le 3 octobre 2019 Arrêt dans l’affaire C-18/18 – Eva Glawischnig-Piesczek/Facebook Ireland Limited Le droit de l’Union ne s’oppose pas à ce qu’un hébergeur tel que Facebook soit enjoint de supprimer des commentaires identiques et, sous certaines conditions, équivalents à un commentaire […]

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Soutien aux personnes risquant de perdre leur emploi en cas de Brexit sans accord: le Conseil approuve un projet de mesures d’urgence – consilium.europa.eu

L’Union européenne prend des mesures visant à aider les travailleurs salariés et non salariés dans l’UE-27 dont l’emploi et les activités professionnelles peuvent pâtir d’un Brexit sans accord. Aujourd’hui, les ambassadeurs des États membres réunis au sein du Comité des représentants permanents du Conseil (Coreper) ont approuvé le texte d’un projet de règlement élargissant le […]

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