The Commission is proposing a new trade and investment strategy for the European Union: ‘Trade for All‘.
The new approach builds on Europe’s excellent trade track record. More than 30 million jobs already depend on exports outside the EU. 90% of future global growth will happen outside Europe’s borders. A new strategy that will make trade agreements more effective and that will create more opportunities means supporting jobs in Europe.
The new approach is also a direct response to the current intense debate on trade in the EU – including on the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP). It is also an implementation of the Juncker Commission’s pledge to listen and respond to EU citizens’ concerns.
It will involve trade policy being more effective at delivering new economic opportunities; more transparent in terms of opening up negotiations to more public scrutiny; and address not just interests but also values. The new strategy addresses all these principles. It also lays out an updated programme of negotiations to put them into practice.
Because transparency is an important topic in the trade debate, the Commission has consulted widely in preparation of the communication, meeting with hundreds of organisations representing civil society and government representatives in Brussels and national capitals.
The Communication will now be considered by Member States in the Council and by the European Parliament, as well as by the European Economic and Social Committee. The actions will be implemented over the course of the current Commission’s mandate.
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