Make the European Commission more functional

Short notice : The ‘Super-Commissioners’
extract from an article of Jorge Valero
How to
Idea! 3 ‘super-commissioners’ to support the next EU executive chief …
– Timmermans could be the sheriff within our borders, ensuring that the rule of law is respected, with better instruments for policing and sanctioning. But his tasks as the guardian of European democracies could also include fighting disinformation campaigns and the disruption of electoral processes, and new means of political participation.
– Vestager would uphold our economic goals and principles at home and abroad, in a continuum that would include a new industrial plan, an updated competition policy, a more robust trade strategy and stronger innovation muscle.
– Borrell besides the double institutional hat (Commission-Council) his predecessors wore, and the Defence and Foreign Affairs competences, he is expected to handle humanitarian aid and all policies related to Africa.
These 3 musketeers could bring more assertive and interconnected responses to today’s complex challenges. It would help to compensate for the national governments’ refusal to reduce the number of commissioners.